Sunday, July 19, 2009

They Sleep as She Swims

My spirits as if in a dream
are unraveled and lay like string
bobbing loudly in a fishing stream
falling above so longing to reach.

She spirals towards my being
arms outstretch and reaching
faintly caressing her beauty
and lightly loving her meaning
intentionally moving towards me.

My senses are lost
blended and so perfected in her presence
where she so graces my eye I can no longer cry;
as any tears of grief she simply dries.

She doesn't ever stop to understand
because she knows I'd lose anything
to keep coming and enjoy
the ways i can make her dance.

Happily she spins in my hands
grasping for me despite sweaty palms
and long locks of dark beauty
effect my life in ways i dont understand
it's a lovely language we both speak
and such a strange repose
flutters her eyelids
as she gently sleeps.

Thus Spake Thujon

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know the girl, but I knew her family. Just try to hold some faith in the goodness of humanity, because as the years go by, you'll drift apart.
