Friday, April 17, 2009

Hidden Beyond Repair (As Fortold by the Prophet Lyihpa)

the amish are geniuses

the religious are ignorant and selfish, but accepted as normal

buddhists are optimists

humans are not stupid, but selfish and ignorant, thus explaining the acceptance of religion.

everything has a reason

nothing has a purpose

life is a big play, with fine acting but a bad story line and plot

the world is an atom, humans are quarks

the universe is both imaginary and reality, playing a sort of game

acceptance is the beginning of failure

non acceptance is the beginning of evolution

the big wheel is a void of nothing

the big wheel holds nothing

written under a predetermined feeling that my future is foretold

the stars are aligned but the event is equal to a small flight of emotion

444 x 333=nothing

333 x 444=infinity

don't ever understand anything

!/!/!/!= a pointless display of anger

?/?/?/?=not understanding but a need to

life is full of pleasures

death is full of condensation

to fill your orifice with a stick of disease is to scream in emotional gratification

to wake up to a place of passion is to wake up to an awful stench

to wake up to a fool's face is to rot in torment

to wake up to a beautiful face full of glory and shine and satisfaction will numb you to where you are and whatever you are doing

to take place in a place of death is to forever regret

to take place in the feast of life is to forever yearn more

to search for your soul is to waste my time and yours

to wonder about death is to waste my time and yours

the beast is eating me

one points north

one points south

one points east

one points west

one points souteast

one points southwest

one points northeast

one points northwest

they all will end up in the same place

Thus Spake Thujonu

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