Sunday, October 10, 2010

Never Save Your Goodbyes

I had just started smoking again when it was her birthday party and the older people on the road tended to board themselves in for the winter. Like most parties back then, they consisted of petite lesbians juggling fire while we smoked hand rolled cigarettes, passing food around a small, friendly fire. Home made vegan brownies and a single spoon murmur, and almost everything has avocado in it.

Always tattoo your favorite piece of produce on you. Don't cut yourself with the bread knife. Let's give Molly the first piece of everything.

She had made guacamole and a drunk guy with a mustache was bothering me as I tried to eat it. He was dressed in a suit that was soaked with sweat. At the bottom of the stairs, a girl looked horrified that newspapers were being fed into the fire.

I gently point out Mustache's drunkness, and explain why others avoided him. He leaves without saying goodbye, and people try to find him in the streets.

Knowledge of narrow back roads will always reward you. The man who would end his night dead to the world in a lawn chair unbeknownst as girls got Facebook worthy photos with him had made some impressions that night.

Right before he spilled his pink drink all over the kitchen floor he mentions losing luggage coast to coast. He explains it's like losing your sword before crossing the river.

Television shows which feature non-aging characters are inherently creepy. Really, they are an abomination to nature. Some float through the years, maintaining a tenure as a perpetual child.

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